36 definitions by ????^_^????

A person who blieves in Gender Equality.
If you believe in equality then I guess we are all Femanazis.
by ????^_^???? October 11, 2006
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A event organized by ultra-Conservatives claiming to speak for all Christians. This event is closley allinged with the GOP, anit-gay extreamists, and one convicted Felon.

Like many other ultra-conservative events this confrence bogusly claims that Christianity is under attack by Radical Homosexuals. The sole purpose of these events is to promote homophobia in a attempt to presurve the GOP majority. The same radical righ-wing groups behind these events are the same ones behind the War on Christmas hoax.
"Liberty Sunday is a right wing hoax" cried Bob.
by ????^_^???? October 17, 2006
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A Plural that refers to all the Chan websites.
Have you been to the chans latley?
by ????^_^???? October 25, 2006
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Right wing groups that try to the counter the current civil rights movement by claiming that allowing cretin individuals equal status as them will infringe on their religious freedom.

There are a ton of Anti-Gay Orwellian Freedom Groups oprating in the United States.
by ????^_^???? November 6, 2006
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A person who supports making abortian illegal, but supports others methods of terminating life.
Ex. War, Death penalty,

Anti-choice is the proper word.
The Republican Party is full of pseudo pro-life supporters.
by ????^_^???? October 30, 2006
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A person who claims to be pro-life despite the fact that they disregard other forms of terminating as being ok.
Anti-choice supporters are ok with such forms murder such as War and Capital Punishment.
"There to many anti-choice supporters pretending to be pro-life" Bob said with disgust.
by ????^_^???? November 5, 2006
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Another sterotype that is popular in the Conservative Hate Culture. To call some this name means that you have no respect for people with dissenting views.
"I never thought Bob would stoop so low as to call Paul a Liberal Whack-Job" Tim said with disbelief.
by ????^_^???? October 23, 2006
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