9 definitions by :-)

One of the true God`s, namely one of the greatest human beings alive today, but possibly one of his mistake would be the fact that he created a nub. See "slayz"
"Even God`s make mistakes"
by :-) January 2, 2004
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about 98% of these mofos that post crap on here. Black, white, asian, etc., all of the people that have nothing better to do than be racist.
we can all get along.. if it werent for these racist hoes that have no life
by :-) September 21, 2003
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"The biggest TURD bugglar known to mankind"
by :-) August 6, 2003
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My stupid, racist, hick-town high school.
Howdy yall! Welcome to york new york! If you are gay or colored, we don't want you.
by :-) March 21, 2005
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Poot is a word that has a diffrent meaning in every area of the country, and world. To me, poot is somthing you say when you are just happy...
1. HAHA! Tim just asked me out! I'm gonna go write POOT on my tummy! :-D POOOOOOOT!
by :-) April 1, 2005
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