Used to break an akward moment, or just in times of boredom. One simply yells emergency dance party and counts down from five and starts beat boxing. Everyone there starts dancing for a period of about ten-thirty seconds.
So then i whipped it out..., emergency dance party! Five, four, three, two, one!
by Baba guy February 4, 2005
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Too Much Information - way more than you need/want to know about someone.
John: I have mad chafing on my balls.
Frank: uh, TMI
by DocGonzo October 9, 2002
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Say this when you're breaking out the big guns. When evertything you've tried has failed, and you're resorting to your emergency plan. From breaking the glass of fire extinguishers to put out a fire.
There's nothing to do, it's time to break the glass and go to
by billie shakes May 22, 2005
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1. Describing a totally whimsical and lovely state of mind or experience.
2. Having outstanding, superlative, or extraordinary qualities.

Synonyms for Dreamy: gorgeous, fabulous, incredible, unbelievable, beyond expectations, out of the ordinary, amazing, delightful, surprisingly beautiful.
"Oh, those shoes are absolutely dreamy!"
by bahrainz May 26, 2005
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A man who has a crush on another man without sexual attraction.
"Hey, Ted. I heard you spent the night over at Dave's."
"Yeah, we played twister and scrabble and watched movies, and spent all night talking, bizzatch."
"Dude, you're 35, acting like you're 12, and you're using his language. You've got a man crush."
by Duke February 16, 2003
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Angry; Irate; woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

From the acronym Pissed Off At The Entire World. Pronounced poe-AH-too.
After Darrell got a second speeding ticket in the same day, he was POATEW for the rest of the week.
by Cherry Nelsonic May 14, 2005
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to pilfer, to take something that one perceives as off-limits, especially as related to food or beverage consumption.
I totally snarfed those cookies you left on the table.
by tad December 23, 2004
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