One who always ditches, or "flakes," hence the name dandruff; usually for an insufficient reason, getting the hopes up of friends and family and ditching them for materialistic sluts.
"I think Tyler needs to get a bottle of head 'n' shoulders cause he's been pullin some dandruff moves lately."
by PGP805 February 10, 2004
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What Adam Carolla says at the end of his show "Too Late with Adam Corolla" to sound cool. It means thank you in hawaiian.
Until next time, this is Adam Carolla, saying "mahalo."
by meso compound November 4, 2005
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The feeling of exhaustion one feels after Thanksgiving dinner - due to the large amounts of tryptophan ingested through overeating.
I'll see you the day after Thanksgiving, assuming that I've snapped out of my tryptophan coma by then.
by chickenjulie November 18, 2005
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Stuffed from eating after a big meal.
As in after Thanksgiving "I'm bout' fat as a tick"
by E-Rock December 7, 2004
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The day after Thanksgiving in the U.S. It's traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year (and sometimes considered to be the beginning of the Christmas season). A.K.A.: Green Friday
"I'm holding out on buying my Christmas gifts this year until black friday rolls around, so I can get the best deals."
by Jem Graves November 22, 2005
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This happens when a dating couple try the long-distance relationship thing when they go off to university or college in September. Typically, when Thanksgiving rolls around and everyone goes home for the holiday, someone gets dumped. Hence the turkey drop.
I hope Bob and I make it past the turkey drop.
by JK October 4, 2004
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A way to quit smoking. Just by simply not smoking and not using any products to help you with the process. Usually is extremely painful and freaking annoying as hell.
Dude, my bro quit smoking Cold Turkey style, that took a damn long time.
by March 16, 2005
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