The time period one waits for a response to a flirtatious text.
Dave was in text purgatory after sending Kiri "drinks later?"
by icwish January 26, 2010
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1. an Internet Era phrase used to communicate one's intent of purchasing or engaging in something.

2. colloquialism for yes
When she asked if I wanted to come in at the end of our date all I could think in my mind was, "add to cart."
by the surfer June 27, 2011
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Similar to "Walk it off."

An appropriate response when conversing with sexually frustrated individuals who have no future mating prospects.
James: "Dayum! I'm horny and no girl will sleep with me. Not even Gretta, the unibrow girl."
Morty: "Whack it off, James... Just whack it off."
by nevarine July 4, 2011
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The amount of offspring you bring into this world.
Dude, keep it wrapped, your biological footprint is already too big.
by ColoradoJules July 1, 2008
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A type of crying that can feel really good and really bad at the same time. The ugly cry can occur after a severe tragedy in one's life, or simply for no reason at all. You know you're doing the ugly cry when you lose COMPLETE CONTROL of all of the muscles in your face, start heaving and making awkward sounds (even though you are trying really hard to be silent), and start leaking fluids from every opening on your face from your hairline to your chin (yes, this includes the mouth). Without a doubt, by the time you are through with your ugly cry episode (if it was genuine) it will look as though you are a homeless person with pink eye who got punched a few times in the face and was hit my a monsoon; this is completely normal (and generally the time to call up a good friend).
Johnny's mom just died, and when he tried to tell me about her, he broke into the ugly cry instead.

No movie can make you ugly cry like My Dog Skip.
by Natalie M. O August 27, 2007
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Alex: You're silly, I'm gonna make you one of my guysmaids!
Adam: Faaaaaaaaaaaabulous!
by Da Quizzler June 27, 2011
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1. The universally recognized "F word"
2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion
3. N. a really stupid person
4. V. To procreate
5. adj. Can be used to modify any word for more passion
6. Int. Expresses disgust
7. Int. Expresses complete suprise and joy
8. adv. Can be used to make a command more urgent
1. I do not accept the "F word" as your name
2. What in the fuck?
3. You stupid fuck!
4. I sugest we go fuck in your mothers bed while eating crackers and petting a cat name mittens!
5. This fucking guy was so fucking weird. He asked me if I was fucking insane.
6. Aw, FUCK!!
7. Holy fuck! You guys rock!
8. Just fucking jump before I fucking kick you in the balls!
by Cheese-man April 6, 2003
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