The sound my dad makes when he snores. Now every time we want to say "Dad", we say "the merk-maker."
"The merk-maker's leaving s for his aunt's funeral.
by ufo May 3, 2005
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While commonly meaning to severely injure someone, to merk can also mean to eat large quantities of food in a very short span of time, usually while under the influence of marijuana. Because of the effects of marijuana, one is usually unable to stop eating for quite some time, and substantial amounts of food can be eaten.

Merking is usually done to food which is delicious, but not particularly healthy for you. McDonalds, donuts, pancakes, ice cream, and other things of that nature.

Where as one usually merks food, one can also merk a kitchen, which simply means to eat everything in that kitchen.
"Haha, I can't believe we bought 4 dozen donuts and merked them all!"

"Um, sorry I merked half your kitchen last night, man."
by LaUltima July 27, 2009
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to do something really well, to feel like you've done something really well.
i MERKED that exam!
by wexywebb June 14, 2009
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A word used by idiots in an attempt to spell murk.

Mispellers often begin to flame you if you correct them on the spelling.
That guy got murked on for saying merked.
by schalkefan02 June 26, 2009
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To merk somebody means you beat them in an mc clash.
When montana had a clash he tried desperately to merk the oppostion but failed miserably when he was booed of stage.
by likkkkklestar June 13, 2007
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To have extreme style. To be a trend setter. To be the complete package, from the head to the toe.
merk : A female that looks good from the weave to the feet. She must have a great shape and figure in order to MERK

ex. Tamia and Teedra Moses (the singers)MERK

A male must have extreme style and swagger. He must be able to stand out in a crowd in order to MERK

ex. Pharell, Andre Benjamin, Kanye West, Jamie Foxx MERK
by Holly- Dae September 10, 2007
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