A piercing on the butt-hole connected to a piercing on th gooch by a chain or leather strap mostly used for anal pleasures.
Dude:hey will you pull my chain?
Man:Ok. Where is it?
Dude:Between my legs.
Dude:Yeah its a booch ring.
by theasdf911 December 15, 2010
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the region of a man's body stretching from his testicles, across his perenium, and to his anus; originates from the combination of the American slang terms: balls, gooch and asshole.
Hey T, you grabbed my booch-hole.

His hand is so huge, he can cup a whole booch-hole.
by tboisen3 November 12, 2009
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excessive sweat in the butt crack. Moist and warm ass crack usually visable through a pair of shorts or pants
I got into my car and sat on the leather seat when the temp outside was 100. Instant sweaty booch
by the prophet May 16, 2003
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a definition for bitch...

person 1 : aye bro. this female commin at me side ways set her straight

person 2: aiight bro, u already kno i hate dumb ass booches
by Mz, Reese January 30, 2009
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A generic juice that poor hoodlums drink that they buy nfrom ghetto gas stations and markets.
J.R. did not have much money so he purchased a booch juice from the Haddock Grocery.
by DaClown6996 February 26, 2012
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