Abbreviation that means you're welcome
Used to reply back to someone saying, ty


TheMightyOne!: hey newb, you want some money?
!perv!: realli???
TheMightyOne!: ya here u go :)
!perv!: WOW TY!!!!!
TheMightyOne!: yw my newbie friend
by Georgemareen October 23, 2006
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an abreviation of 'your welcome' often used after ' ty ' is said,
george-23: ohh! ty
emma-32: hey, yw!
by abaaayy.ily. X May 1, 2009
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wiCkEd eEv: cuz imma SirYn
B4ST4RD Z3RO: thats coo
wiCkEd eEv: heehheheheee
wiCkEd eEv: ty
B4ST4RD Z3RO: =)
by wiCkEd eEv December 5, 2002
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you’re wet. yw = you’re wet
haha yw 💦
by swagisawesome March 10, 2021
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An abbreviation for "you're welcome" that old people use because they're twats
Person 1: OMG! ty
Muriel: yw
by typicalteen67 October 30, 2018
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An abbreviation for 'yeah, whatever'.
Person A: 'Thank you so much for your help.'
Person B: 'yw'
by Opium Beast June 16, 2009
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