To be extremely surprised and displeased about something, normally something that effects you personaly, then the act of justice opon whomever did it.
"Dude when he finds out you backed into his car, he's gunna shit a brick and rape you with it"
by Zach "Tay Tay" April 14, 2007
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1. n. One of the many images found on sites like Fark and on gaming BBSes. Depicts a black guy with spooky eyes looking out from under a hooded winter jacket.

2. intj. The desire of one to pwn another.
omg ha ha i just pwned your ass. you gonna get raped
by Cthulhu_Lives May 7, 2006
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A TV show in which convicted rapists are entered into a Big Brother style house. The ultimate goal of the show is to find the best rapist of those interred. They would have weekly competitions such as Most Violent Rapist, Quickest Rapist, Most Loving Rapist, highest amount of 'I'm sorry's' post coitus etc. the winner would be the publics most favoured Rapist. The prize being facial reconstruction and a new identity.
Matty J: Hey Deano, who's your favourite on this awesome show 'So you think you can Rape?'

Deano: Well I was gunning for Fritzl but the new guy Castro has swung it for me!

Matty J: Gaylord!
by BruffandConlon June 12, 2013
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a beatdown of a person in the PS2 game SOCOM. Said to the victim after the beatdown the next day.
"I went 12 and 1 against you using the HK5, i raped you so hard last night"
by spark winsor November 11, 2005
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