friend: omg i almost felt down and died
other friend: omg yfs like omg
by lolimcrying February 3, 2020
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a southeast dc rapper
Person 1: "I'm jhi cranking to dat yfs"
Person 2: "Nah fr, youngfootsoldier jhi crank man ( man = meantime)
by plaqueboymaxfan911 August 16, 2023
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“You forgot something
Yfs. You didn’t take out the garbage like I asked.
by Mengineer July 28, 2022
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A little kid uses this as a threat when he cant spell, yet puts though into what he types. Can be decided through the duration of time spent typing this simple phrase.
*you put a lump of butter on his head* *he stands still for 5 mins before saying* blb yfey
by Aidan Is Sigma August 7, 2024
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Just a group of folk that know how to have a laugh know wit an sayin
Steven says to Liam-you hink your yf shut it

Kamryn Quinn’s da-yf ya bas
by Mayfield bam December 22, 2019
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