A word used in place of curse words.
Oh scrundle-woogie!!! My toe!!
by melody m October 30, 2003
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A term used for the Kama Sutra when talking about it in public.
Also used as a verb to describe the act of indulging in a position from the Kama Sutra.
I broke my neck trying to boogie woogie.
by Gunkglumb June 2, 2005
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A dance

You boogie and woogie!!
Do the Boogie Woogie *Music in the background*

Wanna Boogie and wooooogie with me?
by sparklyhero2 April 20, 2021
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1. the act of running; 2. A good thing to call somebody when they look like an idiot; 3. A ratial slur for an African American.
Woogie-Boog Forest! Woogie-Boog! (Run Forest! Run)

"Dont be such a Woogie-Boog!"
by Woogie-Boog'n it February 4, 2010
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Junk food. Usually sweet, but also refers to junk food, any meal that you order simply with a number, or any food that is likely to raise your blood sugar and cholesterol when eaten in large quantities, resulting in woogamortis (the act of sitting in a reclined and vegetative state with a significantly lowered IQ, a slowed speech pattern, and a slowed reflex time).
What do you want to eat for lunch? I don't know...let's just get some woogie.
by J. Hanley January 5, 2004
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In Jujutsu Kaisen it is Aoi Todo's innate technique. It allows him to swap the orientation of anything with enough requisite cursed energy by clapping his hands.
friend 1: heyy have you seen today's Jujutsu Kaisen

friend 2: yeah

friend 1: todo's boogie woogie was too overpowered!!!!
by DEWKCIL August 20, 2021
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