I whizzed on my step sister!
by WhizMaster January 22, 2016
Manny: Well, in a tight spot you can always drink your own urine.
Gal: Yeah, but what about the insects? How do you wash?
Manny: That's not such a big priority when you're quaffing pints of your own whizz.
Gal: Yeah, but what about the insects? How do you wash?
Manny: That's not such a big priority when you're quaffing pints of your own whizz.
by handlebar123 January 8, 2015
street version of the stimulant amphetamine (NOT METH)Usually is a paste that is rubbed into the gums. Effects include extreme energy bursts, and the urge to want to do a task like clean your room. Honestly kids stay away fro this stuff the crash after stopping or "comedown" is awful, nearly a week of extreme irritation, sleep problems, and depression. Causes psychotic problems if abused and is super addictive.
by Bigboy packet March 13, 2022
by krackpipe December 13, 2003
by od April 22, 2003