a dude who supplicates too hard and probably has a small winky.

can be seen shaving with gillette and voting for hillary due to her gender alone
white knight: can i buy you a drink m’lady?

white knite: we need a woman presidannnt

white knigt: gosh golly i love my gillette razor. it always reminds me to check my male privilege
by jarlin dando March 14, 2019
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1. An insecure dumbass male who thinks he can get something out of saving someone in distress.

2. An OG member of the kkk who fucks up blacks
Example (Definition 1):

Guy: Oh shit there's a girl getting trolled, *goes to save her*
Trollers: Faggot white knight.

Example (Definition 2):

KKK Member: *dangling fried chicken as bait* Here nigga nigga here nigga nigga.
by LolMeowMeowMeowKuutra September 25, 2015
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Twitch employee: Alinity didn't do anything banworthy
Sane person: Fucking off yourself White Knight
by Hentai-Senpai July 25, 2019
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financial savior; a person or organization that rescues a business company, especially from an undesirable takeover
by Sara September 10, 2003
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A White Knight is Evyn Dyck
I am spending time with a girl instead of my friends, therefore i am a White Knight
by buxkshot February 28, 2020
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An awkward, socially unskilled, chronically virgin male who's all about women's right and gender equality, but somehow thinks women need him to fight their own battles. A desperate sexually starved male that thinks systematically siding with women will get him free blowjobs.
-John, if you didn't act like a white knight, Catherine might not have run away.
by Spyan November 6, 2019
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A white knight is a guy that defends and protects girls for no reason.

Unlike regular knights who's acts are steeped in desire, a white knight truly desires nothing more than her well being, and would rather be somebody who really loves them and really cares for them, to harrowing inconvenience, in loss and to be that real, existing inside another heart in a way that can never end pathetically, generically and foolishly.
by robotlegcommando November 3, 2011
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