warmonger a term that originated in a Vietnam era Black Sabbath song used to describe corrupt politicians who start senseless wars primarily to boost the profits of the military industrial complex
George W Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld are warpigs who invaded Iraq to save Haliburton from bankruptcy.
by Michael_Hunt May 26, 2008
by Spit Blood April 16, 2003
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Warpig. also see bitch ass sloppy hoe.
Noun* A warpig is generally looked at as an overweight slut, typically one who would offer her services to as many guys as she could. (ie getting railed by the football team after a loss). She is an outcast and considered a loner. One liked only by someone of her kind. Usaually suffers from manic depression, and yeast infections. Usual life expectancy on a "warpig" is 36 yrs.
Adj* Act of overwhelming, stomach churning slutness.
Noun* A warpig is generally looked at as an overweight slut, typically one who would offer her services to as many guys as she could. (ie getting railed by the football team after a loss). She is an outcast and considered a loner. One liked only by someone of her kind. Usaually suffers from manic depression, and yeast infections. Usual life expectancy on a "warpig" is 36 yrs.
Adj* Act of overwhelming, stomach churning slutness.
Warpig. A fat, ugly hoe approaches you in a bar and thinks she can get in your pants...when infact, you'd rather heave yourself over a bridge than peer into her fat, sloppy, grilled cheese sandwich.
by SteveGriff August 2, 2008
A very ugly girl that usually has a face like a pumpkin with a rotund lower body that is excessive in every way shape and form.
Tommy laid pipe to a warpig that kept screaming about green apples. Then asked if that fat bitch had left yet... talking to her.
by Atmosphere April 20, 2007
A very fat woman. A warpig may have attractive features that are disguised by excessive loads of woman.
by VanWilder March 6, 2007
by luvthepig September 30, 2010