I was cooking waffles for my dog, therefore I was waffling.
by Moon Goat August 21, 2004
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To 'Waffle on' or to 'keep waffling on' means to talk extensively with little identifiable meaning.
Margret kept waffling on about something, I counldn't tell what though.
by Hair LeMair August 21, 2004
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To talk of write foolishly.
see equivocate and vacillate
He had a habbit waffling tiresomely off the point.
by Bob August 29, 2004
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Based on the path an ant would take if trying to travel in a straight line on a waffle (def: "breakfast food"). The path would be up, down, up, down, you get it. Descibes the thought processes of people who have no (testicles, brain, backbone, pick one). Basically being unable to make up your mind, and going back and forth between one decision and another.
I asked her to fuck, and she said she wanted to, and then no, and then yes, and then no... she kept waffling. I gave her a shot of tequila and she passed out; so I guess it was 'yes'.
by The Gris August 26, 2004
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"That movie was waffling."
by SpookyOne August 23, 2004
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The act of adding a whole lot of irrelevant/obvious information in the process of communication - in a speech, in an essay, etc. for the sole purposes of seeming more intelligent and increasing the length of the item.

Probably has nothing to do with actual waffles.
John, stop waffling, you've already covered that point.
by Henry Chong August 28, 2004
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