The lazy way to write very very and is commonly mistaken for the pubg gun the vvs
"Oh I like that vv much"Britanny said Jonh replied,"I like tge VVS too
by You friendly neighborhood porn October 17, 2018
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Gangsta in an aesthetically pleasing way.

When something is fire and looks pretty too.

by j777jj777j May 31, 2024
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It is when you’re eating a girl and her private parts
I was teaching class and little Amy walked up to my desk and said can I get a vv lick please
by I’ve July 25, 2020
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similar to PV&J but is the lesbian version, meaning : Vagina/Vagina & Juices.
"woah leslie, smells like some vv&j went down in here."
by cassyface March 5, 2017
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VV Content, which stands for Vertical Video Content, refers to video recordings or playbacks that have a taller height than width. The aspect ratio of this format is typically 9:16 or 2:3, making it well-suited for viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones. This format has become popular on social media platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram, where users tend to hold their devices vertically while consuming content. As a result, VV Content has become an important consideration for video marketers, advertisers, and content creators looking to reach a mobile-first audience. By creating content in a vertical format, these professionals can optimize their videos for the way people are actually using their devices and ensure that their content is easily consumable in a mobile environment.
"With the rise of social media platforms like TikTok, VV Content has become increasingly popular as a way to capture attention in a visually engaging way."
by dunkingee February 8, 2023
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