Violet Velvet Squad HQ , a company of creating a spectacular fangame with inclusions of zombie apocalypses and biological creatures.
VVS HQ known as Violet Velvet Squad HQ are currently making Plants vs Zombies: World Tour
by TenaciousWHAT July 10, 2021
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vv is daft
vv is mega daft
VV IS DAFT NIG means that vv is daft
by NonDaftBoy141 October 3, 2020
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vv ddsdsddsds
by crap chap June 9, 2024
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lesley: have u seen that bitch named annie ??
fran sis: yeah, HEARD she has VV
by middlechild July 13, 2019
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In the case of Tiktok slang, this is one that spanish tiktok uses.

vv in spanish means both 'vales verga' (you're worth dick) and 'bebé' (baby)

In condescending tones, which people take as usage for double meaning.

It is usually accompanied with 'ponte fecha' (set a date) for suicide specifically
Person 1: Ew! You're so ugly
Person 2: Ponte fecha vv
by Rashomon May 28, 2024
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In the case of Tiktok slang, this is one that spanish tiktok uses.

vv in spanish means both 'vales verga' (you're worth dick) and 'bebé' (baby)

In condescending tones, which people take as usage for double meaning.

It is usually accompanied with 'ponte fecha' (set a date) for suicide specifically
Person 1: Ew! You're so ugly
Person 2: Ponte fecha vv
by Rashomon May 28, 2024
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VV Is an abbreviation of the phrase very very
Girl One: She is vv pretty :0
Girl two: I know right? i’m so jealous :/
by dumb bitch lesbian December 20, 2020
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