Brand name of computers manufactured by Sony Consumer Electronics that includes both laptops and desktops. Supposedly is an acronym for "video audio input output" representing the core functionality of these multimedia convergence PCs. The "VA" in the VAIO logo resembles a sine wave alluding to analog signals and the "IO" alludes to digital on/off signals.
Sony offers many varieties of computers from ultra-lightweight portables to powerful desktops under their VAIO model line.
by Jeremy Gillow January 3, 2005
The type of person who is too lazy. He is a disappointment of himself and everyone around him. He is lame, awkward and destroy everything.
by Mlem132 November 21, 2021
Vaios is a Greek name. Vaios is usually a doctor with green eyes and enormous cheeks. He is such a miserable and weird man. He loves lol and he constantly uses the word smurf
by Xysaki November 20, 2021
by STORM106 April 27, 2004
by rat vaio February 24, 2020