One who frequently acts like they are the authority on the proper use of Twitter...and does so over Twitter.
Guy 1 says: @guywhodoesntknowhowtotwitter you need to make sure you put a space after #hashtag. They dont work if you dont #amateur

Guy 2 says: @guy1 - thanks but you are being a total fucking #twitterdick.

Guy 1 says: See you did it correct #iknoweverything
by Rclesquire February 15, 2012
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Twitterdick; (noun) the sensitive area of ones public persona that becomes damaged when said individual is savaged on Twitter.
Me: Did you see the tweet from the Holocaust Museum saying Lindsay Graham was full of shit?
Friend: Yeah....right in the twitterdick.
by New_Uzer November 27, 2018
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