
in anime, a boy that is so feminine, he looks like a girl; often more attractive than other girls.
traps aren't gay, because boi pucci
by mynamacleff July 1, 2017
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Not specifically a place where drugs are sold, rather, The ghetto, specifically the ghetto in Atlanta. Called the trap because people there are stuck in a cycle of selling drugs and hustling to survive, and are therefore "trapped" and unable to leave and make a better life for themselves.
by Adam J. October 2, 2006
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What one's friends up there on the sanctuary moon are walking into, as is one's Rebel fleet. Generally characterized by allowing the Alliance to know the location of the shield generator, and the said shield generator being safe from one's pitiful little band, due to the fact an entire legion of another's best troops awaits them. Coincides with the deflector shield being quite operational when one's friends arrive. Also occurs when one has enemy ships in Sector 47. Often known to take place when that blast comes from the Death Star, leading one to believe that thing's operational.

Less commonly, a trap can refer to when the Force is with someone, but they are not a Jedi yet, and a second party wishes for one to join him, and together they can rule the galaxy as father and son. This type is generally announced by one's unknown sister as she is taken away by a bounty hunter. In addition, a trap can also refer to when one senses Count Dooku, to which the other replies, "I sense a trap." In these cases, the next move is to spring the trap. These two types are becoming increasingly rare, subsiding to the first type mentioned.
Controller: Admiral, we have enemy ships in sector 47.
Admiral Ackbar: It's a trap!
by General Grievous March 4, 2006
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Is a spot to sell drugs where. people get high and hangout
We where at the trap last night,l made $ 500 selling crack the whole crew was there getting wasted.
by Rick Party February 5, 2017
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A word popular in the anime community to describe characters who look the opposite gender. It applies to both males and females, though it is most commonly used for male characters who present female.

While the word is only meant to apply to characters who identify as the opposite of how they appear physically, the term has become notorious in the LGBTQ+ community as people begun using the word as a slur towards transgender women.
Person A: Wow, this character is so pretty!
Person B: You know she's actually a dude right?
Person A: Oh... It's a trap.
by 777roach777 April 10, 2019
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A man who dresses like a woman and is somewhat feminine in appearance. Could almost be mistaken for a woman until you are in the bedroom with one. Watch out for these types, they are usually afraid to get intimate because you might discover their little 'secret', but sooner or later you find out the truth!
Fap Fap Fap IT's a trap!
by Michaels V September 9, 2007
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a male stereotype in anime (but mostly hentai lol) who's extremely feminine who dresses as a female and acts as such.
Chihiro Fujisaki, Felix Argyle, and Hideri Kanzaki are all examples of traps (from non-hentai anime).
by lime xd March 16, 2018
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