by Margareet April 5, 2006
person 1: yo you fuckin with that new teacher?
person 2: hell yeah she gave me tootles in the teacher’s lounge.
person 1: damn
person 2: hell yeah she gave me tootles in the teacher’s lounge.
person 1: damn
by THE content cop November 6, 2019
by over and out April 16, 2004
Italian dialect/slang for tortellini. Tortellini are a pasta dish, with flat, round sheets of pasta folded around a cheese or meat and cheese filling. They are traditionally served in broth, but can also be served in sauce.
by Reesh7 January 26, 2019
To insert your penis into another being's anus and then to literally spin them around in circles forming a human windmill.
1: Dude you wanna Tootle?!
2: Yeah sure, but no lubricant, I enjoy the blood.
1: Sweet, how fast do you want me to spin you?
2: Meatspin x 92
1: Nice!
2: Yeah sure, but no lubricant, I enjoy the blood.
1: Sweet, how fast do you want me to spin you?
2: Meatspin x 92
1: Nice!
by Shmodge_ October 20, 2008
To be had by a person of mischief, tricked, deceived in a way that is almost comical, to experience another man's shananagaens, to fall in to the antics of a mischeivious man.
Man, when I realized he had hacked into my computer and tootled everything up, I knew it was done by a tootle. Thats when I decided to buy anti-tootle software. The Tootling has almost been untootled, but I still smell the stench of tootleism.
by MarcusP22 November 13, 2006
by doctorhandsome September 8, 2011