do dodge a simple yes/no question by overwhelming the opponent with meaningless demagoguery. I'm copyrighting this phrase.
"To pull a Trump": Dude, you just pulled a Trump
by muzzzzzy March 19, 2016
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To say whatever comes to your mind and to get away with it scot-free
To tell someone's wife:

'You know, you're in such great shape... beautiful'

Is the best example of how to pull a trump.
by Professor grandmaster G July 13, 2017
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Taking a shit on someone's lawn, stepping in it, and then walking into their house with shit all over your shoes.
I don't like our neighbor, so I'm going to pull a Trump.
by jmarquiz August 16, 2018
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to declare bankruptcy in order to get out of financial obligations.
Purdue Pharma decided to pull a Trump and screw over those people from the class-action lawsuit!
by curiotrope September 17, 2019
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When you tell a lie with a straight face knowing full well what you just said isn't true. Basically you're full of shit and just pulled what you just said out of your ass. When even your lies have lies.
Girlfriend: "I'm always ready on time!"
You: you know you just "pulled a trump"
by EL Barbaro Lives July 17, 2017
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Getting hired for a job, despite being highly unqualified. Typically, you applied for said job as a dare, joke, or just because you can. You BS your way through the initial interview process, until it becomes too embarrassing to admit you're not actually qualified and you don't actually want the job.

Usually, the said job requires a career of experience and great feats; however you manage to bypass the process by: keeping your goals vague, not giving any details about your plans, and stating that you alone can fill this position.

Bonus points are earned if you are hired despite being openly bigoted towards anyone different from yourself, AND you are chosen over someone who is obviously much more qualified than yourself.
Jill: I can't believe I actually got that job as the pitching coach for the New York Yankees. I've never even thrown a baseball my life!

Tom: Wow, that's really pulling a Trump.
by feel_the_bern November 15, 2016
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When you need to build a wall in fortnite
Guy 2:"K" *builds wall"
by makinglunch March 14, 2018
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