(used by the renowned bully, Pyrocynical) A euphemism for kill, later expanded to cover any malicious non-family friendly action.
Pyrocynical: "I am going to game end children"
by 에펜티 November 7, 2018
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A super badass word used only by the legendarys. Made popular by the Oscar winning Fortnite short film. (Which was reviewed on the Pyrocynical YouTube channel on the video “Fortnite Short Film Cringe”) It’s a substitute for the word Kill, Dead, Death, ETC used so that the video shall stay family friendly
Well I don’t need you. I’ll game end him myself
by Tachnous September 22, 2018
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Game ended is basically killing someone, but in a YouTube advertising friendly way.
I just got game ended from ligma! Lol XXXDDD
by NotKidFriendly November 13, 2018
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A Synonym for death or suicide. Widely popularized by some Swedish boi to overcome the Youtube's auto-demonetization bot which will demonetize your video if you say anything remotely violent,vulgar,or do it for shits or giggles.This phrase is a substitute for death,dying or ending one's own life etc,so the Demonetization Bot 8000 can't detect those no-no words and strike your video.
Person 1:Hey John

Person 2:Go Game end yourself Larry

Person 1: wow rude

Ex. 2
"My brother stepped on a land mine in the Iraq and his Game ended at the hospital after about 4 hours of intensive surgery to get all the shrapnel out."
by BRUHMAST3R September 19, 2018
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