When your about to nut and you yell shark bait oo ha ha. And you smack her ass on rhythm to the oo ha ha.
by Mcflazelberg February 17, 2021
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Gets lost often, doesn´t care who bosses him around, he´s got sass, a daredevil for touching a butt, gets all the ladies, almost known as a player.
guy 1: want to go to an after-party with me?
guy 2: Nah bro, i got laid. i just met her. i got invited to her house, but im still havin trouble with where she lives..
guy 1: just met her? dude, don´t get lost and stay outta trouble, cuz if you´re in jail, im not bailing you out. Don´t be such a Nemo.
by the bubble master February 15, 2014
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Sticking your hard penis inside of a live fish and letting it flop around until ejaculation.Caution-not a good idea to use sharks.
The stripper didn't get me off so I walked to the harbor and jacked some cute ass fish from that fish tank.I then preceded to Nemo the shit out of myself.I Nemoed all night.
by J to the V to the L April 4, 2012
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Out of " All the fish in the sea" a " Nemo" is that one person your crushing on or chasing after.
Girl: " Just like Marlin in " Finding Nemo" I have found my Nemo out of all the fish in the sea."

Other girl: " They may say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but Chad is my Nemo. "
by Tntlol January 14, 2013
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1) The fish from the pixar movie.
2) In latin, it means "nobody"
That fish, Nemo(1), wasn't really nemo(2).
by Minimoonaria May 3, 2008
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its an alcoholic slushie that gets you super good!
Sarah : Dude, let's get some nemos!
Jessica : Hell yeah! That gets you feelin' crazy !
by lilyanne23 May 4, 2009
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