1. relating to or involving the selection of the most suitable or best qualified.
1. of or relating to the human voice.
1. denoting fondness, esp. an abnormal love for a specified thing.
she doesn't love men for the way they look, but fell in love with a man who's soul she could feel thru his singing voice which gives her shivers and moves her core. she is a selective vocalphilia
by musicheart January 26, 2014
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Someone makes homemade Mac n cheese but they run out of a certain kind of noodle. So there's several different kinds of noodles.
Selective Noodle Syndrome is when you're picky and you dig through only getting a certain type of noodle out.
"She's digging through the noodles. She has Selective Noodle Syndrome."
by Lugnut13 April 9, 2017
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1. Universe's way of making your life miserable.
2. An event in nature.
3. That one edgy kid's shirt.
1: The goddamn universe gave me natural selection! Aw hell!
2: I've been naturally selected because that is what happens when I win the race.
No need to explain number 3.
by Zach the internet guy December 28, 2022
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What happens to someone so stupid they don’t know what natural selection is.
Timmy ate a tide pod and fucking died cause of natural selection
by YourNiceStepBro May 18, 2021
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Select security promotion. This is when you leave an employee due to working conditions, poor treatment, etc and get re-hired down the road as a manager.
A: dude. I finally left that slave farm shithole. I couldn’t take it any more.

B: oh good. In a few months, they’ll re-hire you as a manager and you’ll be treated better because you’re higher on the corporate ladder. That’s a select security promotion.
by Vista20p July 14, 2018
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