penis meat man of pie
by buttlickerexpress February 21, 2010
by OldManPenis September 25, 2014
This is a male old enough to qualify as a man,but is not dignified enough to behave as such. He is also not digified or classy enough to be deemed a fuck boy and is a complete loser by all senses of the word. Not only does he not have a position in life to hold adults relationships, though he cannot remain single due to instability to provide for himself financially, he will perpetually pursue romantic relationships to evade accountability for his own failure and will continuously bring every individual he engages in romantic relationships with. This male is a hurricane force toxic destruction in human form. He is a non-man penis haver.
He used me for years blaming depression for not being able to secure a steady job or paycheck ruining my credit and rental credit history and eventually left me for first chick he met on social media. Some could consider him a fuck boy, but I consider him to be even less. He has a penis, but he's not a man by definition. He is a non-man penis haver.
by LacyBitch April 17, 2018
Person: I'm going to cut off your penis
Rapist: What?!
Person: It's national cut off a man's penis day! You deserve it
Rapist: What?!
Person: It's national cut off a man's penis day! You deserve it
by Spyd3rs April 12, 2021
Flea has about as much talent as an Asian man’s penis.
by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker December 4, 2020
penis man is a urban legend that brakes into your home and steals your shower heads. he hides in closets and watches you from a distance.
by tthomamho January 7, 2022
A man who is literally just a dick, much like the oviedo dick monster referred to by the distractible podcast which I recommend.
by Broman memedude April 6, 2023