a wigga who is into hip hop..... bare safe geez .. skateboards and walks round clutching his crotch.
by Alex313 July 28, 2003
by john b....... June 16, 2020
by T-Train696969696 November 12, 2010
JJ is a guy who can make you laugh and he can make you happy on your worse days he likes to fuck around with you he is the ideal boyfriend he can make the best grades he can and JJ is a mixed boy but that don't matter cuz he makes his mamma smile and she loves him with al her heart JJ will beat anyone in a fight if it is involves his girl so don't fuck with JJ cuss he will fight you if you fuck around to much.
by HUNTER RIVERA November 5, 2019
Awesome nice kid. He really cares for others and hopes that everyone’s happy. He likes to give to others but not take. He also likes too complement everyone. Also likes to joke around. Also his hugs are the best and he’s a shy hugger. He’s hangs out with people that he cares about.
JJ is a snack
by lil pump 240 October 28, 2018
JJ is a funny boy who is smarter than he looks. If you meet him you’ll be his friend instantly. He may dought himself from time to time but that doesn’t stop him. Everyone would be lucky to be friends with JJ
by GamingWithPetra March 23, 2018
A really hot boy, super gorgeous, sexy, and adorable. They're hard to find, and are usually very outgoing. They are genuinely sweet, and tend to be best friends with girls, who they end up dating sooner or later.
by Mallory Parker July 12, 2008