Talan is the ruler of the Universe. You better not even breathe out disagreement, or he may strike you down right there, heathen.
Oh man, Talan kicks so much ass it isn't even funny. Just the other day these little brats were laughing and he just walks over there and smites them with his kickass mauls. It was pretty funny, actually.
This one time, I was riding and with Talan, and he just jumps his car off of a cliff. I wet myself, but he just laughed and did a few flips and then the car slammed into the ground. He was alright though, since he is so killer. But I had to go to the hospital. It sucked.
Oh man, Talan kicks so much ass it isn't even funny. Just the other day these little brats were laughing and he just walks over there and smites them with his kickass mauls. It was pretty funny, actually.
This one time, I was riding and with Talan, and he just jumps his car off of a cliff. I wet myself, but he just laughed and did a few flips and then the car slammed into the ground. He was alright though, since he is so killer. But I had to go to the hospital. It sucked.
"I'm going to do a talan and kick that guy in the nuts and rip out his spleen."
"Talan is the ruler of the universe."
"Talan is the ruler of the universe."
by Nottalan April 30, 2005
he is so hot, tan, smart, athletic, and overall one of the best guys you will ever meet. he loves his girlfriend and treats her so good. and listen to this he will make you melt bc his voice is perfect.
by shoutoutmybrother August 25, 2019
the sexiest mf out there. the funniest mf out there. the best mf out there.
the best best mf to be with but whatever you do, don't get on their bad side
the best best mf to be with but whatever you do, don't get on their bad side
by dazzaiiii March 8, 2021
yet another fake, possibly-gay kid who thinks he's going to be famous and special. a prime example of whats wrong with laguna these days
by brrryce May 9, 2005
by Datking April 6, 2018
a normal person who will most likely kick your ass if you talk shit about him but is really cool to get to know
by adaptations May 6, 2009
by Im A G Fam July 25, 2017