You aren't doing a sudoku you're sudokuing. If you're lame enough to do a sudoku at least use a cool expression for it
A: Yo dude what you up to

B: Yo man i'm sudokuing!

A: Cool!
by Jp0n November 20, 2009
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A lad's holiday pre-lash up ritual of heading back to the hotel room whilst everyone is poolside for some "slapping of the ham" before a big night out.
B: "I feel like I got sunstroke lads. I'm just going back to the hotel room to play some Sudoku."

(walking into the hotel room)

D: "B, what're you doing?!"

B: "I'm playing Sudoku! I swear!"
by Pablo Cheeps September 11, 2011
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A deliberate misspelling of "seppuku" — the samurai ritual of suicide by disembowelment. The misspelling removes the direct reference to suicide, replacing it with the name of a popular and frustrating number puzzle.
I have brought great shame to my brethren. I must now commit sudoku.
by alpoer January 6, 2015
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someone who's too scared to take a risk in sudoku
man i'm such a sudoku pansy, i don't wanna put a 6 thre cause it could also be a 3
by pat . January 16, 2009
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It's a phrase used to replace a japanese word hara-kiri.
Anna: Dude we got 5 assignments till tomorrow.
Stefan: I might as well commit hentai sudoku...
by Plavi Nindza November 9, 2020
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Solving a Sudoku puzzle in pen, rather with a pencil.

The puzzle is solved the same as normal Sudoku, however mistakes in pen become permanent, just like mistakes when playing windows minesweeper.

In the event of an error, the entire puzzle becomes void.
Bill: Are you doing a Sudoku?

Ted: Nah, I'm doing MINESWEEPER Sudoku. It's way tougher.
by XG-Raven May 6, 2008
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a term that means commit suicide, but is intended to not be as harsh as someone actually saying it.

MR is the initials of the founder of this word
john: hey you fag!
morgan: oi u wot m8
john: yeah thats rite you heard wot i said
morgan: how about commit sudoku
john: what
by rippedmyboy November 27, 2017
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