He's this guy, and he's pretty funny sometimes, and he wears a mask and yells "Holy Crap", but I seriously don't think he's enough of an awesome guy to get all these entries. I mean, come on. Strong Bad is awesome, but not that awesome. Get over it. Please. I can't take any more!!!
Strong Bad says he's awesome and punches people, but he really isn't worth all this fuss.
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A vector-graphics-based game in which you play as a spiky-headed 3D cyber shield guy, with a cyber shield, and you have to block the perplexing geometric attacks of Strong Bad's 3D head while resisting the urge to make out with the screen.
by Tom January 18, 2004
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The sexiest man who can pull off wearing a Mexican wrestling mask. Looks good in blue hair.
Strong Bad: I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever write a song about Sibbie.

Strong Bad: OH MAN! Come back Ali! Come back Ali's sister!
by CaTTeRz03 June 27, 2003
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Strong Bad did a jig, while holding all the grapes. AND THE CHEESE LEARNED TO FLLYY!
by Jenny September 17, 2003
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who?? oh that psycho who thinks hes really tough, haha, hes a puss puss, i beat him down like 5 times, then he burned my house down hehehe hes going to die....
moo moo mooooo!! im voodoo cursing you!!
by SavageMessiah September 8, 2003
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