Walking home proud that that its Easter morning (or any other occasion) and your trying to make it home before the parents get up after a late night booty bounce. Their be no shame in that so you walk with your stride of pride.
Saw that Karen this morning coming down the street Christmas morning with the Stride of pride!
by magalagadingdong July 14, 2014
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when the absolute unit of a gotera fucken lunges across the whole map
this dude just fucken gotera strided us ohno
by GoteraStrider December 25, 2018
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When an episode of a show is centered around an advertisement instead of the show itself. Originating from a Smallville episode where a Stride Gum factory was the focus of the episode and the gum was used as a main piece to the story. Another recent example is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia had an episode centered around a Dave & Busters.
by MartiniMan October 7, 2009
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The act of being, or becoming, as insanely tweaked on methamphetamine as the human body will allow.
"I was striding the crystal summit the other day and got lost in a Wal-Mart, and when I finally reached the parking lot I couldn't find my car. Then after a few hours of frantic searching I remembered that I don't have a car."
by BananaPhone August 13, 2012
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In recreational running, the propensity for any man over the age of 40, when passed by a female, to immediately speed up to reclaim the lead. It is not uncommon for men prone to this affliction to stuff their running shorts with rolled socks.
I was out on the running trail when I passed this old man wearing really short shorts. He had a mid-stride crisis and immediately doubled his pace to keep up with me; his belabored breathing and flushed skin had me concerned that a cardiac arrest was imminent.
by alisonro December 19, 2010
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The night in the middle of a live theatre show's run. I.E.: If the show was running thursday, friday, and saturday, the stride night would be friday. Named because you have "hit your stride" on this night.
by Panzer March 13, 2004
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The demeanour a guy sometimes has the morning after he gets laid, usually involving a "get around me, boys" overconfident type-strutt, and a self-satisfied grin.


"a real dick in his stride".

"a dick up his stride".
Steve: "Hey man, have you seen Pat this morning? Since laying that bird last night he is getting around the place with a dick in his stride".

Ed: "Yeah, tell him to 10-2 on that shit man. She had christmas hams anyway".
by EduardoRodriguez December 8, 2012
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