7 definitions by Panzer
The only smart and mature person in the anime FLCL, Fooly Cooly, Furi Kuri whatver. Smart and studious. Lonely and a bit confused. Her PARENTS SUCK. and overall has a chrush on Takkun (Noata)
"Class President!"
"What's your real name?"
"Well, we always call you 'Class President'"
"What's your real name?"
"Well, we always call you 'Class President'"
by Panzer April 21, 2005
by Panzer March 1, 2005
by Panzer May 10, 2004
The night in the middle of a live theatre show's run. I.E.: If the show was running thursday, friday, and saturday, the stride night would be friday. Named because you have "hit your stride" on this night.
by Panzer March 13, 2004
a lesbian anime, with complete lesibans who love each other and strip each other.. this is pure YURI! aggh.
by Panzer April 21, 2005
by Panzer March 1, 2005
someone breaking the rules, using programs to alter the skills of a player in a video game, such as counter strike.
by Panzer March 1, 2005