The real reason ninja switched to mixer
Ninja: no one uses mixer so I will no longer be a victim of stream sniping
His 3 year old fan base: bruh
by Me, I’m him October 9, 2019
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Gernader Jake's excuse for being killed in Trials
Dude in chat: "How did you get killed there, Jake?"
Gernader Jake: "Guy was stream sniping."
by Tylooo January 1, 2023
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(kills someone) Ninja: YEESSSS

(grapples onto a wall with a trap)
by Follow @nogopss_ on insta plss December 23, 2018
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When ninja has so much ego that he can’t comprehend anyone being better than him.
Tyler: if you leave this game now I won’t report you for stream sniping.
by SmeagolIsSwag_YT October 6, 2019
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Guy 1: Dude, why’d that guy get banned?
Guy 2: He probably got into ninjas game and “stream sniped” him
by random homeless guy January 22, 2019
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Secondary definition: The act of meat gazing at a urinal
Ay, bro weird. I swear I caught dude stream sniping me the other day.
by TrueDa June 9, 2022
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This is usually used when someone watches your/someone elses stream to get an advantage, or they try to get into their game to kill them.
They usually land on top of you (fortnite) or find your base.
It fucking sucks.
Ninja: *playing fortnite*
Ninja: *gets killed*
Ninja: dance.. dance.. THERE IT ISSS
*reports for stream-sniping*
by mysticrye October 10, 2019
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