a common ploy used by teens in order to seem innocent, but in reality it is very much a paradox.
"Yo, I'm straight edge," John says as he is consuming his third bottle of gin that night.
by Kzilla May 9, 2005
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Some one who thinks that they are so cool that they don't need drink, drugs or casual sex. they feel that they are above it.
why are you all drinking, im too cool for that. I'm so un-cool that im cool!
by anti-anti-emo May 23, 2005
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is a bunch of losers who never get offered anything

and think smoking and drinking and drugs are bad WTF!?

and show up to gigs with tea and water and try to pick fights with people who are more richer better and have lives

straight edge is fucking retarded their like Nazis they try to force their life style on to others by force but they get the fuck beaten out of then cuz straight edge is weak and drunks could fuck 'em up!!
NORMAL person)"straight edge is gay"

other NORMAL person)"i know, i could beat them if i was drunk!!"


straight edge guys)*CRYING*
by sXeKILLA!!! August 24, 2009
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So drugs. No drinking. No permiscuous sex.
That's the basic straightedge. The other shit is hardline.
Dood I'm so straight edge, I don't drink or smoke.
by erika love. June 26, 2006
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Those pussies that are afraid to have any fun in life. They think it makes them "cool" by abstaining from drugs, alcohol, sex outside of marriage, etc...all the fun things in life. They also tend to be vegetarian or vegan. Come on. Submit to peer pressure. Don't be afraid to have a little fun every once in a while other than just beating off all day, you pussies. I used to be a vegetarian, but I realized how much of a bitch I was being.

They are easily picked out of a crowd by the numerous "X" (meaning "hardcore") and "V" (meaning "Vegetarian" or "Vegan") symbols that they have either drawn on themselves or, in extreme cases, tattooed on their bodies. They have yet to realize that they will regret said tattoos in a few years.
Nathan is straight edge and, but those "V" tattoos on the back of his arms make me want to punch him in the face.
by Yogi Bear September 27, 2006
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A lifestyle choice in which you choose not to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or any recreational drug use. It may also include the neglect of caffiene and one night stands. Straight Edgers are usually known to wear a large black X on the backs of their hands to symbolise this.
The term was coined by the Punk band ''Minor Threat'' with their song ''Straight Edge''.
I don't have a lighter - I'm straight edge.
by liljinky November 7, 2008
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A way of life commonly affiliated with the hardcore/punk scene. The early straight edge movement was supported by musicians such as Ted Nugent, Minor Threat, Uniform Choice, Cause for Alarm, etc.
Those that follow the straight edge lifestyle abstain from recreational drug use (straight edge extremists may not even use drugs for medicinal purposes), alcohol, and casual sex, therefore ensuring that they have a healthier, happier life. They are also strong-willed, smart, self-respecting people that prove that you don't need to mess yourself up to be happy.
Most straight edge people have complete disdain for hippies, stoners, smokers, alcoholics, and promiscuous people and see them for the weak-willed jack offs that they really are. Remember, ganja kills!!
A common straight edge sign would be: sXe. Straight edge people also may be seen crossing their arms across the front of their bodies with black X's drawn across the back of their fists.
Stoner: Hey, man, you wanna go toke up???
Straight Edge Person: No, you fucking moron. I wanna live.
by str8egdeanarchist92 February 4, 2008
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