Partially vegetated alleyway or cut through in the north of England, usually with bollards at both ends and is poorly lit
Dave: Where's the pub, mate?
Kev: Down't road, first snicket on't right, pas't badger and on't left
by Perko October 28, 2004
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A baseball term, not a base hit, not a home run....just over the infield and not quite to the outfield. . A snicket
We just need a snicket, don't need to kill it, just get on base.
by Thedurb October 4, 2019
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To use a small reflective surface of some kind to direct light from the sun (or another suitable source) into another persons eyes causing them irritation. Similar to how the character Count Olaf burns down houses using his room of mirrors and gigantic magnifying glass in the series of novels A Series of Unfortunate Events written by Daniel Handler, pen name Lemony Snicket.
Nick: What are you doing?
Justin: I am using the screen of this iPad to snicket the teacher. She has no idea where it's coming from.
by NickTheOneNOnly July 26, 2016
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An all-purpose ethnic slur which applies to everybody, thereby allowing it to be used with hostility while rendering it inoffensive at the same time.
Ted: "Just look at those snickets. They're ruining this country." Bob: "Aren't we ALL snickets?" Ted: "Just shut up and mow the lawn, Dad."
by Paypa_Pl8 April 27, 2011
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an onomatopoeia, the sound wolverines claws make when they are unsheathed! sweet!
"hey bub, look at my shiny toys..."

by kurticus May 15, 2007
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A womens hoo-hoo. What all men want.
1.)That girls snicket was hummin!!!
2.)Did you see Sharon Stones snicket in that one movie?
by calen May 4, 2005
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