Acronym for Sexist Misogyny Undermining Real Feminism. A fringe group of gender activists (mostly male) claiming that trans-women are biological women, and undermining the rights and historical struggle of real women.
A: You're a TERF!
B: You're a SMURF!
by buttercup451 May 16, 2022
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can I score some smurfs for the rave?
by Travis Torsak January 10, 2007
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“You know Smurf ?” “Yea , he a real nigga .”
by blrrdd January 9, 2022
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Process of changing the color of one's genitals blue while performing oral sex after the consumption of a blue raspberry slurrpie.
Despite my immediate frustrations with buying her a blue raspberry slurrpie, I was very pleased to see her smurf me upon the completion of her frosty treat.
by Anchordenny's April 6, 2011
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A nickname for shrooms, used by a small amount of people
Hey did you hear i did smurfs last night
Oh shit you shouldve invited me
by Bethlehem student June 2, 2024
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Someone who plays Counter Strike Global Offensive and is a really high rank but buys a account with a lower rank do destroy kids :)
Dude that kid one taped me hes such a SMURF
by Derpy Tinklepants February 2, 2016
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verb - to be colored blue

I bought some paint for the game and smurfed myself; blue is one of my school's colors.
by quadman08 November 20, 2008
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