
-Random players not associated with your squad in a video game. Easily recognizable with a blue name tag above their head vs green for your squads.
- Tom: " Man who the fuck is shooting at me?!?!"
- Joe: "Its some fuckin dumbass team mate lightin you up"
- Tom: "fucking smurfs man!"
by GIJOE October 26, 2012
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Gaming slang: a player that poses as a newbie or keeps a low profile to purposely play against lower skilled players and have a greater chance of winning. OR verb: use the above strategy.
Gamer: How. How the f*** did I just lose against that level 3 player?!
Friend: Ha get smurfed
by much_professional June 29, 2018
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When your pp is too small and she laughs and you become sad(blue).
James: Hey Honey!
*takes down pants*
Honey: How is it so little??
James: I'm sad :(
Honey: Don't be smurf
by englishman69 February 11, 2021
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wow hes blue and tiny hes obvesly a Smurf
by bfxgcfsdf July 11, 2018
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Racist slur towards a Short Mexican.
See that fucking Smurf over there!?
by Dalton Curls April 15, 2019
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Smurfs are little blueberry looking communist midgets who are led my big daddy smurf 'Papi Smurf' There are many other smurfs such as smorfs,smurfling ,smu
by Kaiidds June 8, 2022
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Sean: Hey im goin to the liqour store want anything
Paul: Uh sure can you grab me a handle of smurf
Sean: sure
Paul: dope
by hronk21 December 28, 2018
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