Well, I was going to hang out with Nate today, but he slemped out on me.

I made a pizza today, and Jim totally slemped the last slice.

Oh I thought those guys were giving us a ride, but it looks like they left already...they just slemped us.
by peterpooper November 1, 2010
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TO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - Based upon a great person who granted optional BRCs and haydowns for jack s%#$. The GOD of all cadets.
Mil' duty for today is SLEMP!
by IHTFP December 10, 2003
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A word used in the place of the phrase: "I give up. I can think of no way to come out of this situation (e.g., life, a fight, an essay-writing contest) a winner.
Kierkegaard: "I have just returned from a party of which I was the life and soul; witty banter flowed from my lips, everyone laughed and admired me - but I came away, indeed that dash should be as long as the radii of the earth's orbit wanting to shoot myself. Slemp"
by Wasser Tizfiddle October 24, 2004
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A combination of the words sleep and simp of which the meaning is someone who is simping for sleep
Did you see veronica, she was totally slemping halfway through the movie.
by Sengen April 4, 2020
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