Steve: Hey Bob! are you going to sleepy's one day sale? its a once in a lifetime event!
Bob: No Steve I was planning on going tomorrow because they have another one day sale! In fact i think this is the 7th one day sale this week!
Bob: No Steve I was planning on going tomorrow because they have another one day sale! In fact i think this is the 7th one day sale this week!
by lizzie baby February 2, 2006
when you go to bed with a girl/boy in hopes of fornication and in turn simply go to sleep next to one another.
Taniesha: Did you and Leeroy get freaky last night?
Jamilla: Naw, just sleepys for Leeroy.
Hector: Yo, you get brains last night?
Jose: Naw man, I got me some sleepys.
Jamilla: Naw, just sleepys for Leeroy.
Hector: Yo, you get brains last night?
Jose: Naw man, I got me some sleepys.
by Leenis Green April 25, 2008
by ejnviper June 23, 2016
Term used to describe something of high quality or high likeability, particularly if it has overcome great odds to be as such. In honor of NBA legend Eric "Sleepy" Floyd
by Sleepy Floyd October 10, 2007
a variation of the word "sleep," frequently used as a status for marking away on MSN Messenger or IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
It's sleepies time.
by redlssgurl February 25, 2004
by twinkerzelle August 21, 2019