Slag Hatch.
Also known as a vagina of a slut.

Often used as an insult. i.e to someone who sleeps around or is acting like a complete cock.
by Jodasaurus November 3, 2010
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(verb) To receive or catch something that is slid across a table or countertop such as a remote control or cigarette lighter. Also used to let an individual know of your intentions of any type of sliding action.
"You never slatch anything I try sliding over to you."

"Aye Chad, SLATCH!"
{while in the motion of sliding lighter}


"Of course I slaught the remote control, how else do you think I corked my finger?"

"She slatches about 90% of the objects slid her way."

"If you'd start slatching them I'd slide more at once!"
by PostTophMortem June 18, 2017
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Sluty Batch (bitch)

Someone who is dumb, slutty, loose vagina, and is a huge bitch.
Ew look at that slatch over there grinding on that guy!
by PLALAHCC8 September 21, 2009
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A request for and item or anything else that can be given to any person at any given time.
Example 1
Guy: yo, random brotch slatch some sex.
Attractive female: sounds good.

Example 2
person 1: yo my nyigga slatch a drank of that purple drank.
person 3: Ight.
by Shizzy16 September 26, 2011
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