1. The state of beinq hiqh on weed.
1. bruh, we're skeed as a bitch.
2. bruh, we was so skeed yesterday.
3. bruh, im bout to qo qet skeed.
by J Fuckin' Swaqq February 2, 2010
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1) To be hype

2) The act of being hype
Caleb: South Park comes on tonight, Skeed.

Ryan: Skeeeeeeeed
by SkeeSkeed October 20, 2011
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Just as Wayne and Garth (Wayne's World;SNL) say, "Sha-wing" for an erection. "Skeed" is for an ejaculation.
by Kuichi September 7, 2007
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A word that only a true G can say. A Skeed can replace anything.
Man I hope he make that shot.....SKKED! he did.
by ya daddy March 7, 2003
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To be intoxicated or be under the influence of marijuana and proceed to do something foolish.
You skeed bop boop boop boop bo be bop
by J bell April 30, 2018
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Hopeless Retard, Someone who could be mentally disabled; has no knowledge in anything to do with coding, networking, sysadmin, ETC; interchangeable for Skid
tell them, Alexa said you a skeed.
Shut it skeed
You a skeed
by Dictionary-Dick February 26, 2021
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Someone who thinks he is Dean Winchester when in reality he has been Sam all along.

Also has a small penis.
That Skeeds is such a bitch.
by Big Cody February 16, 2016
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