1. verb; To box (fight) with one's shadow.
2.noun; A shallow, framed, rectangular box usually with a glass front that is used for holding and protecting items on display.
1. Because it was a very sunny day, the children went outside to play. Most began a game of kickball, but little Billy decided to shadow box, and started to throw punches at his shadow.
2. Kate made a shadow box for her desk by placing pictures, ticket stubs, cards, and such in a glass frame.
by Caitlin R August 5, 2006
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a type of game played in many high schools where the goal is to make your opponent look in the direction you point. you start by play rock paper scissors, whoever wins goes first. both players start rubbing their hands together. the winner of the rock paper scissors will quickly point in a direction, if the opposing side looks in that direction, they lose, if they look the opposite way, it’s now their turn. they do the same thing an switch back and forth until someone loses.
“Dude! Did you see Caleb and Damian shadow boxing?? Caleb sucks his ass got beat the first round.”
by Gabe2403 May 4, 2019
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A woman's private parts that are covered in a 5 "o"clock shadow because she hasn't shaved her Muff in a couple days.
Stacy got out of the shower and I seen her shadow box! Tell her to go to the damn store and buy a razor. Her crotch is begining to look like she has Don King in a head lock between her legs.
by SassyJax01 May 24, 2011
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when a person has lighter hair on the top layer and darker hair on the bottom layer.
eww that girls shadow box is so ugly. why not just keep it one color?
by umm yeah... February 4, 2009
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1. N. Small private fighting, in the near-dark, in any location. Usually two people fight for an allocated amount of seconds, which onlookers(who will also later participate) count. Generally the fighters take their shirts off. Hits above the shoulders and below the waist are illegal.
The teenagers, bored while waiting for their school concert to start, went into the bathroom for some shadow boxing.
by FasterFxOx December 31, 2008
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When you are having anal sex with a girl and fisting her front at the same time. You reach into that vagina and grab your own dick and continue to jerk it off. That my friend shadow boxing.
When you are having anal sex with a girl and fisting her front at the same time. You reach into that vagina and grab your own dick and continue to jerk it off. That my friend shadow boxing.
by Leonard1541452 March 25, 2017
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The vagina underneath the fupa.
"She's a girl you gotta roll in flour to find the wet spot cause she's got that shadow box, you know what I mean?"
by RandomGirl96 April 15, 2020
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