Guy that wears girl jeans, small band tee's, white leather belt, uses checker vans or chucks, and some of them wear make up. They have hair that covers one eye and has a lip ring. Scene boys do NOT cut their wrists. They normally listen to metal or hardcore music.
Person 1: Omg!!! scene boys are so hot!!!
Person 2: I know, I love when they kiss other guys!!!
by Matt Devan April 3, 2006
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A Boy with black hair that covers half his face, that wears tight girl jeans, wears black eyeliner, wears small tight band tee's or pokemon shirts,lip ring, like's boys and girls, wears checker shoes, likes stars, likes the movie garden state and the nightmare before christmas.
takes pictures of himself with a higher angle.
a trendy emo fuck scene boy who is trendy trendy trendy
by EmoXcoreXdinoXhardcore August 31, 2005
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any boy who wears girl pants/tight pants, has his hair over one eye,wears tight and/or button down shirts, is trendy in an "i got this at goodwill" sort of way. Could be gay, could just seem like it. Piercings, while optional,are mainly in the lip if there. listens to music of the "emo", "screamo", random, persuasion.

Most boys at a Coheed and Cambria concert.

"Why are they wearing girl pants?"
-"It's ok, they're scene boys."
by hXc_times_3 November 5, 2005
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Scene boy simply refers to a boy who is hardcore emo and wears eyeliner and tight pants and has a lipring and has jet black hair that is unkempt looking, and is considerdered "hawt".
Person 1: look at that boy.
Person 2: He is so SCENE!
by Tha EmO BeaUtie June 27, 2005
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A boy who has his hair cut in a particular way(scene hair) so he can part it to the left side of his face and colors his hair once a week.He wears girls jeans that can barely fit him and hangs a neon colored bandana out his right back pocket.Wears eyeliner.Wears dinosaur and band tees that are entirely too small.He has either a lip or septum piercing and is usually bisexual.
scene boy:wears my "I Love Dinosaurs" shirt?
scene girl:I dunno.butu can wear my baby sisters!
by Emerson Rose August 17, 2006
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a Scene Boy is one who listens to whatever he wants to listen to and doesn't give a shit about what others think of him. He wears what he wants and usually has his hair long and obnoxious.
Scene Boys are so much hotter than Emo Guys
by ThatSceneBoy May 4, 2010
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-usually has hair over one eye
-wears black eyeliner and sometimes pink eye shadow
-listens to hardxcore music
-obbsesed with guns,pokemon,space invaders etc.
-wears tight clothing
-very arrogant
that scene boy is so hot in his tight jeans and his skinny pokemon t-shirt
by heartxcore cal March 19, 2007
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