
1. A red skinned sausage. Usually avaliable from the local chippy.

2. A penis.
1. Slip me a sav n chips in the frier please smiler. I love a nice well oiled savaloy or savloy

2. Sister Shirl 'ol son will suck ya Sav, untill ya head caves in.
by sQuickDrill August 27, 2006
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savaloy or savloy

a friend or a close pal, or perhaps just an acquaintance
by doctor beatstake August 12, 2003
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savaloy or savloy

1. A red skinned sausage. Usually avaliable from the local chippy.

2. A penis.
1. Slip me a sav n chips in the frier please smiler. I love a nice well oiled savaloy or savloy

2. Sister Shirl 'ol son will suck ya Sav, untill ya head caves in.
by sQuick-Drill July 30, 2006
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oi oi savaloy

a friendly saying used as a greeting, usuallt to stand out and get attention. savaloy representing the person u r adressing as a sausage. for energetic people.
hi .....
oi oi savaloy!!! how r ya?
by kelly November 10, 2003
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come eat you dumb fuck before i kill your pet
by alionzaa July 1, 2024
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