sapnu puas

What you send to your girl when you want some pics. Send it and then tell him or her to turn her phone upside down. ;)))
Boy: sapnu puas
Girl: what?
Boy:turn your phone upside down ;)))
by gwatjins January 6, 2017
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sapnu puas

A sly way to ask someone for nudes.

Works better if you put the upside down question mark before and lowercase every letter.
Male to Female "¿sapnu puas"
by Longrod-van-Hugendong June 7, 2018
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sapnu puas

please sapnu puas or just sɐnd nudɐs
by bobdilbert February 27, 2017
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sapnu puas

sapnu puas is a way of asking people for nudes, sapnu puas is send nudes upside down and backwards.
Him: sapnu puas
Her: what?
Him: turn your phone upside down ;)
Her: ...
Her: no, go away creep.
by Don’t even ask. July 1, 2019
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sapnu puas

Boy sends to girl:sapnu puas
Girl: uh?
Boy: turn yr phone upside down :)
by Me me big disappointment April 20, 2018
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sapnu puas

the only word in witch flliped upside down says a diffrent word.
the word sapnu puas isnt used in a sentence.
by MinecraftGod64 July 9, 2019
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Sapnu puas

Sapnu puas is send nudes just upside down. Sapnu puas is a good way to get nudes from hot chicks.
Me: Sapnu puas
Her: What?
Me: Turn your phone upside down
Her: Send nudes?! Yeah sure
by Hello im a pedo December 12, 2018
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