
in a party mood, (v.) to be roudy, wild
were gunna get a grip of shit and get roudy tonight
by baker, the January 9, 2005
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I hate dose loud, roudy kids.
by Nikko February 5, 2004
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something cool...sweet...awesome
hey man thats a roudy hat
yo dude he got a roudy fuckin truck
that bitchs roudy man
-hey what do you think of these sunglasses...
-respons: those are roudy man
by the adam berry December 5, 2005
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Impossible, sarcastic, stubborn. Makes an amazing boyfriend, and is good in bed.
by mariah herrera September 2, 2008
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1.) The Ocean is Quite Roudy
2.) Mozart is roudy

In The form of a sentence

1: Dood what do you think of this new Britney Spears Album?
2: Well it ain't roudy thats fo sho.
by Zak Webster January 9, 2008
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Roudy badger

roudy badger is a badger on a mission to mess your shit up with its millitant attitude .these badgers are not to be messed with they usally only attack forest dwellers/campers but have been known to attack randoms!There only kown habbitat is freshwater !WARNIG these badgers can open zips.
punch those roudy badgers through the tent!

did you see the look in those roudy badgers eyes!
by cobiow August 23, 2009
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Things are gettin' roudy

Used to describe a situation that is getting out of hand or crazy

Combining this with 'holy horse nuts' helps express that things are bout to go down.
Cowboy: holy horse nuts whats goin' on

Me: looks like things are gettin' roudy partner

Cowboy: we better get outta' here if we dont want no trouble by the sheriff
by makibeika May 27, 2020
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