An expression yelled by a man when a girl or woman is tearing off their clothes violently.
oh yea tear thoes clothess off. cone on get it rip it
by doc hargrove August 5, 2006
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rip rip is a term used to replace "oh burn"

use it after you diss someone or hear someone getting dissed

to define someone as getting ripped on
Preppy Bitch1: So omg, I went shopping yesterday, and bought these ripped jeans, and they look SOOO good on me.

Random Loser: Oh, I didn't know the Salvation Army was having a sale.

Random Loser2: HAHAHA rip rip
by vannyveracious March 8, 2009
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A phrase used when something bad or unlucky happens.

It is typically a lighthearted, non-serious phrase and is often used when gaming.
It was created by pro gamer JennyC.
by heinomitezlover123 December 14, 2019
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When you flunk a final so hard that you're gonna kill yourself and your grade is gonna take a dip.
Jack: Yeah I found this funny question on the final so I decided to Snapchat it so I could show all my imaginary friends.
Josh: Is your final gonna be nullified.
Jack: Yeah and I can't graduate cause my grades are bad. I'm just gonna kill myself.
Josh: That's a rip rip triple dip Jack.
by gardan huang June 22, 2017
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