-Tedious biology term, used in public education to stimulate teen suicide rates for the entertainment of teachers.
-A complex, rediculous compound word that causes the eyes to bleed at the sight
"students, now moving on the the outer part of the cell: the Endoplasmic Reticulum, and the G---"


"hahahahahah...class dismissed."
by Man_whore_OMG October 5, 2006
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An orgasm.
He just had himself an orgasmic reticulum after watching the female stripper grind on the pole for two minutes.
by Psychosomatic123 June 30, 2011
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This is the organelle in cells that is responsible for cum (also known as ectoplasm). This organelle converts glucose to sperm, resulting in cum.
Dude, I think your ectoplasmic Reticulum went off too many times in bed last night.
by Pubo December 8, 2016
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Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER) is an organelle. It has two types Smooth ER and rough ER. Rough ER is covered in ribosomes
A:Endoplasmic reticulum.
B:I really care about what you are about to say as this is an interesting subject that everyday people care about
by 41phaNum3r1ca1 April 19, 2022
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