A very obnoxious noise that is somewhat entertaining while stoned/baked/blazed and is just used to aggravate people! XD
by Raven-Kukamasa February 3, 2010
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If you write Cream Pie on Shane’s Facebook post, you are probably a reep!
by Andrew the creep January 20, 2018
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To revisit a state of annoyance. To become re pissed off about something from the past.
Hey James quit reeping. You broke your phone last week why are you still getting upset.
by Owah February 11, 2018
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Destiny Reap is when you're destined to ra-I-I mean "dominate" a woman(that doesn't like you but you like her) during a war, a school fight, etc.
YOU : Where's my friend?
HIM : Your friend and I had a Destiny Reep back their, if you know what I mean ;).
by K-WILL-SUE-YOU October 11, 2019
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An adorable charming man who always knows all the right things to say and makes amazing music.

Nelson Reep
by Cheryllynn October 30, 2008
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to creep up on, come out of know were, scare, put your two cents in
matt c-reeped up on us in ceramics class.
by numberonewinner January 22, 2009
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To violently creep someone else's old facebook photos.
It is a pastime of short elves or sassy French gals.
Once it starts, it is very hard to stop.
Let the IRC-reeping begin.
"Wow did you look at her thug life picture?" "Yeah I saw it while I was IRC-reeping her"
by Jswagggy January 22, 2013
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