When you use your hat to cover a boner, giving the appearance of a hat rack when your boner grows with the hat on it.
by Peen Peener August 28, 2015
Man, I'm scared we'll smash all the gear before the party
Friend - stop being a pussy, just because you have rack-no-phobia isn't a reason to ruin my fun
Friend - stop being a pussy, just because you have rack-no-phobia isn't a reason to ruin my fun
by BigggggT May 29, 2020
Being extraordinarily racked would be when you have done a lot of cocaine and you feel like you’re on top of the world. Side effects include extremely fast heart rate, sweating, and a cheeseover.
by Doctor Sockalingham February 18, 2024
When one is extraordinarily racked they have done way too much cocaine in a small amount of time. The symptoms of being extraordinarily racked are full pupils, huge eyes, the inability to stop talking, people being visibly freaked out by your presence, and an heart rate of 160+ etc.
by Doctor Sockalingham January 7, 2024
The act of folding a woman up to make them look like a piece of popcorn, pouring caramel on their jugs, putting them in a barrel, and rolling them down a hill. Best done in the cold, to let the caramel harden and resemble a piece of Cracker-jack popcorn.
Gay man 1: I got so high off cat piss, I pulled off a Cracker-Jack Barrel Rack on this one dude.
Gay man 2: Yeah, that was me.
Gay man 2: Yeah, that was me.
by meatbaggie November 10, 2019
by Hailmoney September 26, 2018
Bernice came flouncing into the room - her well anchored rack perky but uncharacteristically subdued.
by Bryce Bernard July 7, 2018